Sunday, December 11, 2011

Keep The Faith

I love this and I'm reposting this ...

It's true. Faith is something that we should hope for. We should fight for.
It is something that we can't depend on with our feelings either. Because our feelings change.

So how to have faith?

I say, just focus on the cross.
Focus on Jesus!
Focus on how good Jesus is.

Think of how Jesus gave up His life for you so you in this mad, fallen world can enjoy life in abundance and victory!

Be confident.

That whatever you're going through or shaking you right now. May it be sickness, troubled relationship or financial instability, He will pull you through. Jesus will never leave you!

Jesus word doesn't lie.
That's why He is our Good news!!
That's the truth.

and let me shout....


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's My Birthday!!

Few minutes from now and it's going to be my birthday.
Honestly, this is the BEST day of my life!
No I am not going to have a BMW or a new house. Nor am I going somewhere else to relax and have a grand birthday holiday or a party.

I am just at home and will enjoy a real nice, simple dinner soon.

On this very special day, I am very blessed to know that Jesus really is my Lord.
I have stopped wanting useless and unnecessary things. I have stopped struggling in life searching for just anything.

You know why?

It's because JESUS is the answer for everything.

Now, Jesus is filling up my cup and it's overflowing. I just ask Him for more wisdom in accepting things, human beings and everything.

Lastly, I thank Jesus for my consistent divine health. It's amazing!! And beauuuuutiful!!

Guess what, I'm turning 40.

I say, "God shall renew my strength and health like the eagle!!


Good day everyone. :)

Let me leave this beautiful quote
for you. I purposely wrote it myself so please my apology for the poor handwriting.

May it bless you and make you come boldly to Jesus for rest...

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Whatever you're going through...

Believe that Jesus is working behind tne scenes.
He shall never leave nor forsake you. He will SURELY deliver you from all your troubles. Just watch and see His salvation.

Keep the faith!

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jesus Quotes #001

Receiving Jesus as your Savior doesn’t make life easy, but your worst day with Jesus will be better than your best day ever was without Him.

–Joyce Meyer

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Jesus is the Answer

Ever wondered why people grow old, fall sick and die?
Is that really man's destiny?

Would you accept it just like that when someone tells you,
" hey you. It's a fact, you are born in this world to will grow old, struggle with life's problems, fall really weak and sick then die.."( haaaaah!)

Such a very unfruitful words. Right? But don't lose hope. And I say DON'T believe in that crap!

In Jesus, our only way and destiny is Victory!!

Find out more from Joseph Prince' very powerful devotional ..

Be blessed and keep spreading the Good word. The world badly needs it.

A Way Of Escape by Joseph Prince

Psalm 23:5
5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

The table is set. The bread and wine are there, and Jesus says to you, “Come, My child, partake.” But you tell Him, “Lord, I am unworthy!” You are afraid to come to the Lord’s table perhaps because you have been taught that if you partake in your “unworthy” state, you will come under God’s fiery judgment.

My friend, Jesus has washed you whiter than snow and qualified you with His own blood, so you are as worthy as worthy can be! The most humble thing you can do now is to acknowledge His perfect sacrifice and accept His invitation with gladness.

In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul tells the church how to partake of the Lord’s Supper so that they will not drink judgment to themselves. The word “judgment” in verses 29 and 34 is krima in the original Greek text. It refers to a divine sentence. And in the context of this passage, the divine sentence refers to sickness.

But when was this divine sentence of sickness passed? It was passed when Adam sinned. (Genesis 3:19) When he sinned, death entered the world (Genesis 2:17), and man would grow old and weak, fall sick and die.

So it is not that God is passing sentences of sickness on people today. How can that be when Jesus said, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:17) God is not in the business of condemning but saving. And the Greek word for “saved”, sozo, also means to preserve, heal and make whole.

God does not want you to suffer the divine sentence of sickness that is already in the world, so He has given you a way of escape, paid for by the blood of His Son. He wants you to be healthy and whole, without the diseases of the world, and He has made this possible for you through the Holy Communion.

So don’t be robbed of this tremendous blessing any longer because of erroneous teachings that have put fear in your heart. Come boldly to the Lord’s table today and receive afresh His health, strength, wholeness and life!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
No part of this document or any related files may be modified, adapted, reproduced, distributed
and/or converted in any form and by any means (electronic, photocopying or otherwise)
without express written consent of the copyright holder.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2011 New Creation Church

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

God Wants You Well

I always love to hear audios or read books about Jesus' healing power.
For my new friends in here who just subscribed in, i just want to let you know the reason why this blog existed.

It's because Jesus has healed me.
Jesus has healed my 10yrs +++ terrible migraine. If you can browse back to my previous posts , feel free to do so. As it will lift your faith up and let you come to Jesus boldly for healing.
You see, there's one thing I've realised in this world. It's sickness! Everyone has it. And will have it.
But as for me, thank you Jesus!
I may not be fully restored yet but I can truly and honestly say that I AM WELL! Because Jesus is keeping me well and has given me His divine health No more coughs, runny nose, fever for years now. Woooooow!

Jesus is the ultimate Savior that you could ever need. He did not die on the cross for nothing.
His death did not only claim our sins but offered full restoration, prosperity and victory as well.
That's the truth. And once you embrace that, It shall set you free of any bondage.

So keep hearing. Feeding your soul with this powerful audios.
Because it will change your life!
#nowlistening to Andrew Wommack's "God Wants You Well"

Thank you to my friend Angela from South Africa in sharing me this gift.
God bless you all..:)

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lead me Lord....

In life, there will come a time that you need to figure things out.
Which career to push through, plans to achieve, goals to keep track of,
place to settle with, decisions to make, etc.
These stuffs will overwhelm you or even stress you out.

But I say, don't be.

You see, your ultimate goal here on earth is just to enjoy His peace and love.
Cast all your fears and worries to Him because He knows well...He knows what your future will be like. And it's gonna be good!

So just keep on resting in His words because He doesn't lie.

If you do that, everything else will follow.

If right now you are confused about where to go to, or what to do,
Just say this little short but very powerful prayer....

"Jesus, Lead me, Lord...."

.....and move on.

( feel free to download this wallpaper as a reminder..:)

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Stay Close To The Water of God's Word (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner

Stay Close To The Water of God's Word (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing...