I Will Give You Wings
Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD.
—Jeremiah 17:7
Trust Me with every detail of your life. Yes, trust Me with your life, your salvation—all the really big things. But also trust Me with your friendships, with your hopes and dreams, even with your choices about what to wear and do. Nothing is too big or too small for me. After all, I am the Creator of both Mount Everest and the tiniest grain of sand.
You are safe with Me. Bring Me your mistakes; I won’t laugh at you. Bring Me your sins; I won’t keep reminding you of them. I am here to forgive you, to encourage you, and to love you. Nothing is wasted when you bring everything to Me. My grace can transform even your sins and mistakes into something wonderful—much like I transform a caterpillar into a magnificent butterfly. Trust Me with everything, and I will give you “wings” to soar through your life.