Thursday, May 2, 2013

Jesus Typography

I created these Jesus beautiful typography in minutes using Whims app for the iphone/ipad.

You should try it too.

If you want to do some simple typography artworks for Jesus then I highly recommend this app.

I have seen a lot of Jesus quotesbin there too.

It's awesome to know alot of believers are using app like this to spread the Gospel.

This is indeed our time!

Cuz I feel Jesus is coming real soooooon!


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God Won't Give Up On You


This is the best advice I can give you.

That no matter what happens in your life.

Just trust in Jesus.

Because He will never let you down.

He will never leave you alone.

He will never forsake you...

because you are precious to Him.

You are His beloved.


That's Jesus!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Declaration for Today

People can say bad things. Confusing things or even negative things.

That's the work of the devil. Cuz the devil hates to see you live in victory.

The devil hates to see you healthy and wealthy in a good way.

But thank God to this truth...

Jesus wants to give you life and a good future! Read Jeremiah 29:11...

That's one of my fave verses and God's divine contract to us!


the power of life and death is in your tongue.

So now that you have Jesus in your life,

Let's declare this together.

Credit goes to Joel Osteen Ministry for this awesome photo.


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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Just let go

Stop struggling to solve your problems.
Let Jesus heal and restore you instead.

Jesus is your rest.

Let go...

And let God.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Are You Happy?

A person with no money will wish...

"Hope I have lots of money so I can be happy".

A person with health problem will say,

"Hope I will be well and healthy so I can be happy. "

I remember my ex-boss once said when she wasn't feeling so well and all day she had this nausea attacking her till she throws up. Her doctor couldn't tell what was wrong with her. She just let the illness come to pass.

At that time, she told me...

"I will giveaway all my money,
I just want my health back!"

You see... Happiness.

That one word.

One inevitible word that man keeps chasing of.

Happiness is everywhere.

But the sad thing is that,
Happiness doesn't last.

You know it.

I've tried and tested it.

You have a new car today!
Yes, you are happy.

But when the time comes that it starts to give you trouble...your happiness fades away.

Today, you might be some famous actor/actress/musician...

Yes, you are happy. But as soon as weariness, boredom sets in...

You will look for something else that will satisfy your need.

That's normal. It happens to everyone.

But let me tell you.

You don't need happiness.

Because happiness is temporary.

You need inner peace and joy.

That two lasts FOREVER.

And whenever you are in a very shaky situation...that unexplainable peace and joy will embrace you to forget the world around you. And it's wonderful!

You might ask me,
"So where will I get that kind of peace and joy?"

I say,

"It's not "where"'s "who". "



It's to whom can you get it from.

I say,

It's from JESUS.

You say, "oh yeah!"

I say, "uhuh! Ask Him for it. It's FREE! And it shall set you free!"

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Unmerited Favor on my old iPad

Soooo blessed today!

My friend from India, Jason gifted me with Joseph Prince "Unmerited Favour" ebook.

I say wow!

Cuz I was able to download it on my ipad in seconds and puff!

Instant read while I was on my way to office.

Cool huh?

These days, you need to get hold of this kind of anointed preaching about Jesus to survive the day.

It's always been my medicine for my soul.

Cuz you see, if you try to look around you, there are so many bad things happening.

Like recently, the Boston Marathon bombing, bird flu in China , accidents here and there.

To get healed with all these fears,
you need this!

This is an awesome book.

I have read it many times.

And I'm gonna read it again and again this time because it's on my ipad!

Thank You Lord for this technology.

I know you always had me in mind.

Will be posting some beautiful notes from this book in here soon.

So stay tuned!

For now...
Good morning, Beloveds!

Come join us in facebook :

See you!

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In Jesus there's no more condemnation !

Saw this in my facebook newsfeed.

I used to react negatively in posts like this. You know some Christians "by name" usually do this. They want to ask you to "Repent" negatively. Like they want to instill fear in your heart. Telling you that God is gonna be mad at you if you don't listen to them. That you're gonna be burn in hell if you don't change to become a perfect person.


I had enough of these so-called Christians. The pharisees!

They judge like there's no God at all!

They think that they are perfect!

Hey! Wake up and start to smell the coffee!
Nobody's perfect in this world

Except J E S U S !!!


You know, if you don't believe in Jesus as your savior yet. Please, don't runaway. Don't let these people block or stop you from finding the truth of who and what you really are... Don't let them stop you from coming to Jesus.
Because you know what,
You need Jesus.

He loves you and His covenant of love for you at the cross will never changed.

Just listen to Jesus.

Don't listen to anyone. Not even to me or some famous Jesus preachers.

Just listen to Jesus.

Because He will lead you to the truth. To Life and to Victory.

I am not perfect.

I have my own little dark, secrets too.

But let me assure you.

Jesus still loves me.

Because I am His Beloved.

Same thing goes with you.

You are special to Jesus too!

That no matter what your sexual preference is.

No matter how you feel "good or bad" , mood swings here and there.

Even if you bullied someone or tried to getaway from something....

Jesus still LOVES you.

And NOTHING in this world
that you do can ever change that.

So, if right now you are confused of who and what to believe,

Close your eyes and simply say this,

"Jesus, I want to be with You.
Please lead me to Your truth. Amen!"

I say Amen to that too!

Check on Joseph Prince in youtube to keep feeding your heart and soul with Jesus' truth.

This is the best thing that could ever happen to you.

Trust me. 😊🙏👍

Join us in Facebook too.

See you there.
Let's keep praising Jesus yeah?

Be blessed!

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Born To Win | From the Producer of Faith Like Potatoes

One of my biggest dreams when I was younger, was to be produce great nlockbuster movies. But now God changed my heart, I want to create, pro...