Sunday, July 14, 2013

God Blesses You, The Righteous

Blessings are on the head of the righteous…
Proverbs 10:6

God Blesses You, The Righteous

Whenever you find a promise or blessing for the righteous in the Bible, grab hold of it by saying, “Father, I receive this blessing in Jesus’ name!”

For example, when you read in Proverbs 10:6 that blessings are on the head of the righteous, say, “Thank You, Father, this promise is for ME because I have been made righteous through faith in Jesus and His finished work!”

So every day, instead of fearing that lack will devour you, expect God’s provision and blessings to hunt you down and surround you! Expect good things to happen to you. Say, “Father, I thank You that Your blessings crown my head. Your bountiful provisions are upon me and my household!”

Beloved, the more you begin to believe and speak words of abundance, provision and increase, the more you will experience the full blessings of the righteous!

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

God Is Satisfied With You by Joseph Prince

…He made us accepted in the Beloved.
Ephesians 1:6

God Is Satisfied With You

Do you sometimes wonder if God is satisfied with you?

Actually, the question you should ask is not whether God is satisfied with you. The question you should ask is whether God is satisfied with Jesus and His finished work at the cross. And the answer is this: He is completely satisfied!

At the cross, your acceptance is found. There, Jesus cried out with His last breath, “It is finished!” (John 19:30). The work is complete. The full punishment for all your sins was exacted on Jesus at the cross. God will never punish you the believer, not because He has gone soft on sin, but because all your sins have already been punished in the body of Jesus. God’s holiness and His justice are now on your side!

Today, God is not assessing you based on what you have or have not done. He is assessing you based on what Jesus has done. Is God satisfied with Jesus today? Yes, of course He is. Then, to the same extent that God is satisfied with Jesus, He is satisfied with you because He has placed you in Jesus the Beloved! How can you not have His acceptance, favor, help and blessings?

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How To Solve Problems The Jesus' Way

I have a little secret on how to face problems

and today, I'm gonna share it with you.


Here goes.

First, it is really easy.

You just need to accept the fact that problems are problems

and no matter how small or big they are, it really keeps hunting us.

It makes us worry all the time.

Anxious of what's next to come.

It scares us.

But we don't know why we let it control us.

We want it to stop. But problems arepart one's life.

You can't get rid of them.

You just need to stand victorios above them!


You can try to solve it with your own strength when it hits you for the first time.

But if you're like me that doesn't want to spend time and energy worrying anymore,

(Which is very stressful and unhealthy)

You need to do this.

If you get tired of dealing with your problems alone,

talk it out Jesus.

Yes. That easy.

It's like prayer but only, when you do this, you establish a relationship.

A divine relationship with Jesus, our Abba Father who only wants the best for us.

Talk it out to Jesus.

Just let it flow. Like talking to someone or your bestfriend.

Be open to Him.

Tell Him all your "what-ifs" that are stuck in your mind and heart.

Your fears. Hatred. Or regrets


Do this everytime you have a problem.

Make it a habit . And I tell you,

it's going to be the best habit that you ever had.

Just talk to Jesus and stay strong with Him on your side.

Try it.

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Jesus is The Great Artist

I really love "Jesus Calling For Kids" iphone/ipad app.

It's expensive on the appstore but I tell, it's worth it.

I am sharing today's message...

"I Am the Great Artist"

Lord, every morning you hear my voice. Every morning, I tell you what I need. And I wait for your answer.
—Psalm 5:3 (ICB)

Let Me show you My way for you today. Pray about everything— the big things and the little things. Give your entire day to Me and then wait to see what I will create with it.

I am the Great Artist, and your day is My empty canvas. Watch Me do my work; I will paint My colors into your life—colors of My Love, Mercy, Peace, Hope, and Joy. And you will not be disappointed.

Trust Me to take your ordinary day and create a masterpiece.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Right Place, Right Time byJosephPrince

Right Place, Right Time byJosephPrince

Ecclesiastes 9:11
11… the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding,
nor favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.

God’s Word tells us that being faster, stronger and wiser does not automatically make you a winner in life. No, it is actually being at the right place at the right time that causes you to receive blessings. And God, who holds time and chance in His hands, is the only one who can put you at the right place at the right time.

He did this for Ruth. She trusted God for favor when she went looking for a field in which to glean. (Ruth 2:2) Then, the Bible tells us that “she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech”. (Ruth 2:3) Of all the fields in Bethlehem, she happened to end up in Boaz’s field, and he was a close relative of Elimelech, her father-in-law. This meant that Boaz was her potential kinsman redeemer, someone who could redeem her from her plight as a young, childless widow in a foreign land.

Boaz also happened to be “a man of great wealth” (Ruth 2:1), and as it turned out, he was willing to redeem Ruth. (Ruth 4:9–10) All these right happenings could only mean that God had placed Ruth in the right place at the right time.

I believe that the very day Ruth told her mother-in-law that the God of Israel would be her God (Ruth 1:16), God took note of it and made everything happen right for her.

Today, God also wants you to know that because you have said, “God, You are My God,” He will be your God of divine happenings. He will place you at the right place at the right time, where you will meet the right people, do the right things and even escape danger!

You may not know where all the great opportunities are, but God does. He was the one who put in you the skills, talents and gifts that you have, and He knows where you need to be, when you should be there and what you need to be doing to be truly fulfilled!

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Jesus Gives You Rest by Joseph Prince

…Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”Matthew 11:28, NLT

Jesus Gives You Rest

You don’t need to be a Bible scholar or theologian to understand rest. You just need to be someone who knows Jesus, because it is Jesus who gives you rest!

My friend, perhaps you’re dealing with a challenging physical condition in your body today. And if you are weary, confused and tired because of all your efforts to get healed, just go to Him right now and tell Him, “Jesus, I’m so tired and confused. I’m scared too. Please hold me in Your arms and give me rest.”

You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. You can just cry in His presence. Beloved, He already knows all that you are going through. And the One who bottles your tears will surely rest you and give you peace. He will lift you up and strengthen you until you are full of His shalom-peace—inside and out!

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Location:Braddell Road,Bishan,Singapore

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jesus Goes Before You by Joseph Prince

Jesus Goes Before You by Joseph Prince

  John 10:4

4And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him...

Have you ever seen a farmer trying to drive a bunch of geese from one location to another? He goes behind the geese, doesn’t he? Compare this to a shepherd who leads his sheep. He goes beforethem and the sheep simply follow him.

Jesus is our shepherd and we are His sheep. He does not drive us, but He leads us. Legalistic people drive others. Jesus leads. He goes in front of us. He is not like the sergeant who says, “Men, cross this river. I’ll cover you from behind,” because he suspects that the river is infested with crocodiles. Jesus is not that kind of leader. He goes in front of us.

In the Old Testament, Jesus led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. Do you know how Jesus appeared back then? He appeared in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Where was that pillar? It was in front of them. In fact, the pillar of cloud shaded them from the hot desert sun so that they were kept cool during the day. At night, when the desert got very cold, Jesus, the pillar of fire, gave them light as well as warmth. Whether He was the pillar of cloud or fire, He went in front of them.

As long as they followed Him, the Israelites did not have to worry about anything. Jesus took care of all their needs. He gave them water when they were thirsty, and bread and meat when they were hungry. Their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell. They were kept in good health throughout the 40 years of their wandering in the wilderness.

My friend, Jesus your shepherd wants you to just follow Him. As long as you allow Him to lead you, all your needs will be taken care of. He is your provision, healer, counselor, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification… He is everything you need Him to be!

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Born To Win | From the Producer of Faith Like Potatoes

One of my biggest dreams when I was younger, was to be produce great nlockbuster movies. But now God changed my heart, I want to create, pro...