Monday, July 22, 2013

The Power of Psalm 91

It's all in the news. Accidents, murders, weird diseases, plane crashes, economy breakdown. Earthquakes, tsunamis, snowstorms.

Fears. Worries.

This is why we need God's refuge!

I just thank Jesus for leading me to His divine protection thru Psalm 91.

It's yours too.

Keep it and claim it everyday!

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Live To Please Jesus

I've come to a point in my life now that pleasing everyone is not really my destiny.

It's pleasing Jesus.

You see, when you try to think about how to please your friends, family or loved ones, you'd only get confused by what they want. They want to see you based on what they need to see in you. That is so stressful !

Instead, today, believe that pleasing Jesus is your goal.

How to please Jesus?

Just rest in Him ....

Yah.that simple. Rest in His love and unmerited favour that He keeps pouring on you.

He loves that.

He loves it when you totally depend on Him about everything.

Try it.

And let me know how it sets you free.

Good morning everyone!

It's Monday morning here in Singapore.

My Bus just left me so it gave me an opportunity to blog this away.

Amazing, right?


Enjoy today's devotional from Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling For Kids"

Live to Please Me

Be careful! When you do good things, don’t do them in front of people to be seen by them. If you do that, then you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
—Matthew 6:1 (ICB)

When your greatest desire is to please Me, then you will be truly free. How? Living to please Me frees you from the phony expectations of this world. Too many of My children do their good deeds to impress their friends, their family, even their church. But if looking good in front of others is your main goal, then you are really only pleasing yourself.

Instead, live to please Me. When what you care about the most is pleasing Me, you won’t care what other people think. When you believe that I always love you, you can rise above peer pressure. And when you trust that I am always with you, you will have the courage to stand up for what is right.

Live to please Me—and this will make you free.


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Friday, July 19, 2013

Nothing Can Stand Up To God’s Love by Joseph Prince

Nothing Can Stand Up To God’s Love by Joseph Prince

Romans 8:35
35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

The pastor of our Hokkien and Mandarin congregations, Pastor Mark, used to suffer from certain health problems before he became a Christian. His doctor told him that he had to be on medication for life. He also had a huge financial debt. But when he caught hold of the teaching that he is God’s beloved, he believed it totally. He also believed that nothing could be greater than God’s love for him.

Today, Pastor Mark is off medication and completely delivered from that debt. God caused him to triumph over his sickness and debt because he cannot be defeated when he knows that he is God’s beloved.

Tribulation, distress or persecution cannot stop your heavenly Father’s love from working on your behalf. His love for you is bigger and stronger than your financial woes, marital problems or health concerns. And when God’s heart of love moves for His beloved, He opens doors that no one can shut and He makes a way when there seems to be none.

Even during lean times, you will never find the righteous forsaken. King David said, “I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread.” (Psalm 37:25) Can famine or recession stop God’s love from providing for His beloved? No! So don’t think to yourself, “I must provide for my family. If I don’t, who is going to take care of them? How are they going to survive?” God wants you to know that His love will continue to provide abundantly for you and your family.

What about deadly pestilences such as bird flu and mad cow disease, natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes, or terrorist bombings? My friend, these things cannot devour you because His love protects you. You will enjoy His protection when you know that you are His beloved.

Because God’s love is greater than all the evil put together, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us. (Romans 8:37) We always win in the fight of life not because of our love for Him, but because of His love for us!

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jesus, Do Not Let Go of Me

When you feel like giving up...

Ask God not to let go of you.

because we , as humans are weak. Sometimes hardships in life can block our way in coming boldly to God. Or believing in Him.
That's ok. Don't condemn yourself for lack of faith.

We all go through all that.

Important thing is.

Don't runaway from God.

Stay with Him all the way,

and one day you will see victory

In all areas of your life.

And then you'd just smile and

thank Him all day.

Just like what's happening to me.

Yes. God is good. All the time.

He only wants the best for you.

so do not give up on Him.

Keep talking to Him.

He loves it.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Jesus....

This is Jesus...He loves unconditionally.
He died for me because He loves m so.

Compassion With Action by Joseph Prince

Luke 7:13
13When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.”

My friend, there is no trial, difficulty or challenge we face today that our Lord Jesus cannot identify with. The moment we experience a trial, right there and then, because He “was in all points tempted as we are” (Hebrews 4:15), He feels it too and is able to sympathize with our weaknesses.

Jesus’ compassion for you is the same compassion He felt for the widow at Nain when He saw the dead body of her only son being carried out of the city gate to be buried. (Luke 7:11–15) It must have been terrible for her to experience the death of her only son after having already experienced the death of her husband. What a horrible thought to be left all alone in the world with no means of support! When Jesus saw her, He was moved with compassion and said to her, “Do not weep.”

Now, some religious leaders might also be moved to approach her, but only to say, “Look sister, something is terribly wrong. Your husband died. Now, your only son has died. You must find out what is wrong. You better ask God what sin you have committed and repent. Or perhaps there is a curse in your life that needs to be broken.”

Isn’t it beautiful that Jesus did not extend more confusion or condemnation toward her? He only extended His compassion to her, telling her, “Don’t weep.” This same Jesus will also come to you when you are most distraught and say, “Don’t cry.”

And Jesus’ sympathy does not stop at “Oh, you poor thing! I am so sorry about what has happened to you.” No, His sympathy will move Him to give you the miracle you need in your life. That is why He raised the widow’s son back to life!

Beloved, rest in the truth that He who is seated at the Father’s right hand today understands what you are going through and sympathizes with your weaknesses. The compassion of Jesus toward you causes Him to breathe life into your dead situation and turn it around for your good!

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Monday, July 15, 2013

How To Pray Without Ceasing

Whatever's troubling you now...

Just pray about it.

How to pray without ceasing?


Just talk it out to Jesus.

Like talking to a friend.

That has become my habit now.

Everytime I am disappointed on something or someone.

I just boldly talk it out to Jesus.

I have a human bestfriend, but you see, I cannot really talk everything out to her.

I feel uncomfortable revealing some things to my inner thoughts, wishes

wants and dreams. Cuz I'm afraid that she will just laugh at it.

But no...with Jesus, you can talk it out to Him freely.

Don't be scared.

And when it becomes your habit, come back on thisthread and let me know how awesome He is.

I love hearing testimonials about my Jesus, you see.


Be cool..

Talk to Jesus!

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I Need Jesus Everyday

Every day, yes. I need God. I need Jesus.

Because amidst my pain, stress at work or at home or with my relationships...

He is my strength and peace.

My comfort.

My rest.

My assurance that everything "bad" is temporary.

Only Him and His promises are eternal!

Let me say it again....and again.

I need Jesus everyday!

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Born To Win | From the Producer of Faith Like Potatoes

One of my biggest dreams when I was younger, was to be produce great nlockbuster movies. But now God changed my heart, I want to create, pro...