Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Quote of the Day

If others wouldlove to put you down.

Well, God won't!

Who is more powerful?

- check out my personal blog

Involve Jesus by Joseph Prince

When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you, to deliver you from the way of evil…
Proverbs 2:10–12

"Involve Jesus"

You don’t need a financial miracle when you are consistently walking in the wisdom of God. In other words, when you walk in His wisdom, you won’t be surviving from one bailout to another, nor be in a constant state of financial crisis and lack.

My friend, God’s provision of wisdom is abundant and I want to challenge you to tap into this powerful resource from heaven today. How can you do this? By always involving Jesus in your decision-making.

Before you make a career move, start a new business, or make a significant purchase or investment, involve Jesus. Don’t exclude the Lord. When someone pressurizes you to sign an agreement because the offer is “only valid for today,” take a step back. Don’t make an emotional decision and rush into it. Wait upon the Lord. Be prepared to walk away from this “great opportunity” if you don’t sense His peace and wisdom.

Beloved, learn how to flow in divine wisdom. It will save you both precious time and money!

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God's Timing is the Best


Just trust God's timing.

You'd be amazed at what He can do to your life.

If sometimes you get bored in waiting,

spend those moments praising Him.

It's never a waste of time waiting for God's plan to manifest in our lives.

Check out my personal blog

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jesus Died To Unlock My Life

Love this iphone wallpaper.
Grab it now!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

You shall live and declare the works of the Lord!

The devil loves death. He wants you to struggle, be very disappointed,

angry, mad, crazy so you will hate life and God.

But our Lord Jesus wants us to live that's why

He gave up His precious life for you and me.

Jesus wants us to break free from any bondage or hatred!

Jesus wants us to rest in Him so we'd stop struggling!

Yeah. That's my Jesus!

Awesome, right?

- check out my personal blog

Monday, July 22, 2013

Plans are Plans

We make our plans everyday.

That's ok.

Some plans if successful, may lead to good.

But some if unguided, may lead to destructions.

So it's better to ask Jesus for wisdom in every plans that
you are thinking of.

Just talk to Him about it.

It might not happen instantly but as long as you are

living your life with a purpose,

You are on the right track!

Remember Jeremiah 29:11?

The Power of Psalm 91

It's all in the news. Accidents, murders, weird diseases, plane crashes, economy breakdown. Earthquakes, tsunamis, snowstorms.

Fears. Worries.

This is why we need God's refuge!

I just thank Jesus for leading me to His divine protection thru Psalm 91.

It's yours too.

Keep it and claim it everyday!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Walking Away From A Million Subscribers To Follow God's Plan

Walking Away From A Million Subscribers To Follow God's Plan If you’ve clicked on this video, you might have felt a nudge, a call, or a ...