Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Real Meaning of Christmas

I am so blessed to know the real meaning of Christmas.

It is not having parties, drinking around or just be naturally happy.

Being rich is just an added bonus. But no. I am not saying I am a millionaire or have all the richest in the world. Not just yet. But soon. All because of Jesus.

Right now, I have troubles on my own. Financial problems that need to be resolved.

But let me tell you straight...

Right now, with all these in hand,
I am not scared. Because I know the Lord our God is with me. (Emmanuel). And not against me and so He will do things for my own good. It might be a little shaky but it's ok. As long as Jesus is in the boat, I will get to the destination where He always wants me to be.

Christmas is all about Jesus.

It's about God's love for us through Jesus.

Yes. That simple.

You can spread all your love by showing this love to your loved ones and to other people who needs it the most. That's good.
But above all these things
Christmas is all about Him.

I heard some people who are going through alot at this moment and they would say,"I don't think I can celebrate's too tough for me to celebrate it. "

I would say,"Why not?"
This is the best time that you should celebrate it with Him. Because He came just for you including all your problems.

Jesus who came down on earth as a child to save the world. To save us His children.

You see, if you're like me at this very moment that is going through tough times. Let's hug each other while looking up to our savior.

He will never forsake us because He came down as a man here on earth, again, to SAVE US. So do not fear. God loves you and me so much that He won't let a thing, come down to "kill us". Read PSALM 91 as a proof of His promise.

The real meaning of Christmas is not just happiness when you're happy.

The real meaning of Christmas is celebrating it with pure joy and peace, inspite of everything that's happening around you. Because you know You have Jesus in Your life for real and this time NOTHING can defeat you.

When Jesus was born, you are already standing on a Victory ground !!!

Keep this truth in your heart and mind.

For this will surely give you unshakeable peace that no man can steal from you.

Be blessed on this day my friend.

Jesus loves you and He is celebrating this remarkable moment with you.

Just keep on thanking and praising Him.

Merry Christmas and talk soon.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Always Ask Jesus for His Guidance

In life, you will always have the drive to do things in so many different ways. Firstly, based on your dreams, emotions or the way you are exposed to people.

You will always have someone to follow or take an advice on.

For security reasons, you may might want to follow the trends or what other people are doing based on their success.

I say, that's ok.

But if sometimes, you will get to a point that you're tired of doing it all over again , with your own strength and efforts. Then it's time to seek the Lord's advice.

I will get straight to the point.

Our Father knows what He wants for you. He has declared in the Bible, that He always want whats best for you. He doesn't want to harm you or destroy. He only wants to give you hope and a good future.

Check it out in one of my fave verses Jeremiah 29:11. You will see your future from there.

Embrace it. Put it in your pocket. Read or meditate on it everyday.

Yes. I know. You always go through some challenges along the way. But be rest assured those are just temporary.

With Jesus' guidance,
Definitley , you will always be on the right track.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

How To Erase Doubts About God

If everytime you find yourself in fear about what's going to happen in your future, career,relationships,business ventures. Say this out loud.

It works everytime!

You need to get back to God's promises in the Bible.

That's why those verses are in there.

It's His covenant to us.

So, use it. Overuse it. Abuse it!

It's yours to keep.

Jeremiah 29:11 is for you!

Jesus is our Provider

Just an update, my partner is back at home now. Recovering.

I say "Halleluyaaaaah!"

Guess what... It was a miracle.

Confirmed!! God was working through her.

For days, the doctors couldn't figure out the source of her bleeding, so one night , before her surgery, I prayed like this...

"Bleeder, whatever you are, you MUST show up tomorrow before the doctor's will open her up. You have no right to stay in her body. Because her body now belongs to Jesus. And no one can touch it except for His glory. In Jesus' mighty name. Amen!!!

Then, yes!!!

The doctor's never performed surgery on her!

They found what seems to be the bleeder. Have burnt and clipped it and voila!

I'm truly awed by His POWER!


Now, our next "problem" that we are facing is her hospital bills.

Here in Singapore, it's so expensive to be hospitalised.
No wonder, one cab driver have told me, if one is ever hospitalised here in Singapore, it's better to die than you end up paying all these bills.


Not us because we have Jesus!
We are highly favoured and deeply loved! Our bill has reached 34,000SGD. Imagine that?

But I am not scared. Yes I'm worried abit but that has cleared it all up when Jesus said in the Bible,
"For we are not given the spirit of fear but of love,of kindness, of joy, and of peace. Halleluyaaaah!!!!

I believe, Jesus is our provider.

So if you are having financial problems right now just like me,
Let's declare this.

"Jesus , we thank You Lord You are our Shepherd. You shall not leave us in wants or in needs. Because as our Heavenly Father, You shall provide us of what we need. Thank You Lord for the coming blessings. Thank You also for protecting our family and loved ones...Yes! You are mighty to save us in this situation Lord. Thank You!!! "



His miracle is coming. :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Again, Just Talk To Jesus Dear

If you're heart is full of fears, worries or disappointments

then it's time to talk it out to Jesus.

As human beings, everytime we go through all pains and what we

call "sufferings" our first act would find our bestfriend, buddy and then

talk it over a cup of coffee or some drinks.

Physical presence of someone may help you alleviate pains temporarily.

but it wouldn't last. Been there, done that!

At the end of the day, when you are most alone...those negative feelings will

come down to hunt us again, on our mind.

So, I strongly suggest, just talk it out to Jesus first.

He has the solution to all of your problems because He is the great "I AM".

He is the Alpha and Omega of your situation.

As Jesus is, and so are you in this world.

Let me ask you now?

What's keeping you in fear at this very moment?

If you're at home, lie down on bed...close your eyes

and start a conversation with Jesus.

Yes. Right now.

He is waiting.

Then come back to this post and let me know what you feel after.

Talk soon yeah? :)

Romans 8:11

In this unstable world, you only need to depend on God

when it comes to your career, relationships, dreams and businesses.

Things will come your way. Bad or good, just keep on trusting in Him.

Believe that He is with you, all throughout.

Even if you fail, sin, hated someone unintentionally or frustrated.

God won't leave you hanging.

God won't leave you depressed or sad.

You may feel a bit down but that's just temporary.

He is always on your way to lift you up.

If your bestfriends or friends or relatives betray you...


So, just rest in that truth.

Isn't that awesome??


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

If You Can Believe by Joseph Prince

Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26

If You Can Believe by Joseph Prince

When a poor demon-possessed child was brought to Jesus, the father of the child, obviously desperate, said to Jesus, “…if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus’ replied, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:22–23).

Now, many of us have been taught that Jesus was saying that as long as you have the necessary faith, all things are possible for you. In other words, if you can produce the faith, you can have your miracle. But is this what Jesus meant?

If you study the Greek structure of this verse, what Jesus was actually saying was that all things are possible for Him who always believes. Jesus is the only Man who always believes, who always has perfect faith. And because He is Lord, all things are possible for Him!

My friend, simply hook your limited faith to the perfect faith of the Son of God. Just believe that He Himself has all the faith for your miracle. Even when you are faithless, believe that He remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13). When you rest in His faith that NEVER fails, you’ll see His faithfulness bring your miracle to pass!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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