Monday, July 7, 2014

You Have a Big God!

Problems come and go. Big or small. 

They are temporary. So relax and just believe you have a BIG God who's taking care of you. 

Good morning:)

Thank You Jesus

Good and awesome things happen to those who believe how much God loves them. 

Dear Jesus, thank You for loving me and for dying for me at the cross. 
You saved my soul and took me away from all these misery. 
Yes. Life without You indeed is dull, numb and veryyyyyy boring. 
I am so glad I found You. 

Please use me in whichever way you can. 

I want to tell the whole world about You and what You've done to my life. 

Thank You Jesus. 

It's all worth it. 

Praising God Anywhere In The World

Did this while in Batam, Indonesia over the weekend. 

I don't know.. But praising God anywhere I go has become an addiction. 

It's cool. And somewhat crazy. 

But don't want to think too much. 

I just feel like , being close to Him anywhere is the best part of everything. 

Praising God has now become a passion. 

I soooo love it cuz everytime I do it,

it refreshes and energised me. 


Thank You Lord!

Praising You is such a hard habit that I 

don't want to break!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Remain Seated With Christ by Joseph Prince

Are you suffering from any disease??

Don't give up, because JESUS is your healer!!

Be blessed!

The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
Matthew 22:44

Remain Seated With Christ

In some ancient battles, the conquered would be placed one by one under the feet of the victorious king. Likewise, in God’s kingdom, Jesus has defeated all His enemies at Calvary, and God is now placing every one of them under His feet, the last being death.

The Bible says that we are seated with Christ—a position of rest. And as you rest with Christ, God will place every one of your enemies—every symptom, every disease—under your feet!

Many of us want our symptoms and illnesses to be under our feet first, before we will rest. But God wants us to rest first, and then He will place every disease under our feet!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

That's My Jesus !!

Thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice at the cross. 

I shall be forever grateful!

Please use me to whichever, whatever way you can 

so I can help spread the Good News!!

I am ready Lord.

Yes!!!! And I'm so excited!


Monday, June 30, 2014

Walking with God...No Matter What

Sometimes in our walk with God,

we feel disappointments.






We feel like giving up..

All I can say is to just take it easy.

That's normal and we all go through that.

Even the best and anointed pastors experience that.

Because we are humans. It's our nature to struggle.

We try to fight and then surrender.

We try to make it and then failed.

But you see, as long as you walk with God with all these,

it's 101% sure! You'd reach your destination!

So don't worry and do not judge youself,

Do not focus on yourself.

Just focus to God and everything will fall on the right track !


Thursday, June 26, 2014

God is Good !!!

When some Christians will tell you that
you must do good first before God can love you. Don't believe in that lies!

God is a good god and He loves you just as what you are!
I'm not telling you to do bad things either.
You see , we are all humans in this mad-fallen world. And we all will fail from time to time while we are all still breathing. 

You and I can never be perfect. 

Because only God and Jesus is perfect!

So relax. Live each day with Him. 

As long as you believe and trust Him

you're in good hands!

So do not be stressed out .

Stop thinking about your past failures and weakness. 

Because God knows them all and accepted them all already. 

He loves you and all He wants you to do is just to have faith and believe in Him all the way!

Whenever you're caught up with some problems, don't runaway from God. 

Intead, run to Him. 

He is your heavenly Father ...


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Walking Away From A Million Subscribers To Follow God's Plan If you’ve clicked on this video, you might have felt a nudge, a call, or a ...