Thursday, January 8, 2015

Go Into and Remain in Peace by Joseph Prince

And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”
Mark 5:34
Go Into And Remain In Peace
I had always thought that when Jesus told the woman who had been healed of a 12-year bleeding condition to “Go in peace,” He was just giving her a farewell greeting. One day, the Lord told me to check it up in the Greek. That’s when I found out that it actually reads, “Go into peace.”

I had also wondered why Jesus told her to “be healed of your affliction” when she was already healed the moment she touched Him. Again, when I looked up that phrase in the Greek, I realized that Jesus was actually telling her to be made whole, not just healed. In other words, Jesus ushered her into peace so that she could be made whole in every way—if she had been traumatized by previous medical procedures, she would have peace of mind and sound sleep.

My friend, Jesus not only wants to heal you, but He also wants to make you whole. Perhaps many things are troubling you today. Beloved, go into peace and remain in peace. How? By casting all your cares to the Lord. Keep your mind on Jesus’ faithfulness and goodness, and His perfect love for you. The Prince of Peace Himself will keep you in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3), bringing about healing and wholeness in your body and circumstances.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Scared To Fly , Sorry.

It's really scary to fly these days.

While I was on my way back to Singapore , negative and scary thoughts swarmed my mind and heart which made me uncomfortable on the entire flight.

Though we prayed Psalm 91 before the flight, I can't still help but be scared. I'm sorry cuz I am just human and I have emotions too. That's why we need to communicate with Jesus all the time!

Share your thoughts with Him.

Thoughts like," What if we crashed and then I will be on the news. My name will be one of the listed casualties. My friends will start to post on facebook how sad they are to lose me. My loved ones will cry and grieve. "
Imagine all those words filling up your mind and heart for 3 hours?

Really crazy!!

What I did ?

I just kept speaking in tongues.

And I talked to Jesus all the time.

I told Him," Lord, I am Your precious child. Get the angels on the plane really quick and comfort me. Because I am really scared right now. I hate turbulence!"

I was like, washed away by some cold water.

Then words like,"My child, It's ok to be scared but always believe I am Your protector... I will never let anything bad happen to you see. "

Then I just paused for awhile and said,"I know Lord, Please take this paranoid thoughts in me. I don't like it. "

Then suddenly, my heart was at peace even if my mind was still racing of thinking alot of fearful and negative stuff.

I know deep within that Jesus is in that flight. Carrying the plane to safety. You know why, because He loves me so. I shall live long to glorify Him like what I am doing in this blog.

Scared of flying these days?

Just do what I did.
Keep talking to Jesus and He will be with you all the way.

Thank You Jesus for Your divine Protection through Psalm91.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Give Your Life To Jesus

People have problems on its own. Big or small, simple or complicated
doesn't really matter.
The big difference is when you tag along Jesus with it.
Without Jesus, problems become so difficult and so hard to handle till 
someone gives up. Some even end their lives just like that.

With Jesus, your problems will become lighter and you have more peace and inner joy
which you couldn't explain where its all rooted up or where it come from.

It just makes life worth living for because of Jesus.

It's cool to know you always have that Someone up above who's ready to lift you up everytime you fall. 

Let this sink in to your heart.
Jesus is your ONLY HOPE in everything. 
He loves you so much that He will never ever leave you !

So you see, if you're reading this blog, you are blessed.
Because you are not here for nothing.
You are here to know all these truth about Jesus.

So this year, give your life to Jesus.
That's the BeST gift that you could ever give to yourself.promise.:)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Awesome 2015 with Jesus

This year let's shake the planet with Jesus' name.

Are you with me?

There is POWER in the name of Jesus!

When you feel weak, fearful or depressed just say, "Jesus....."

and all these bad, negative things shall flee!

Try it.

And make it a habit this 2015 and you'll see!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Are You A Struggling Christian?

When you accept Jesus as your savior, you are forever saved. So thank Him for what He has done for you at the cross. 

Now, as we live each day. We still do the normal stuff as Christians. We eat, sleep,go to the gym, watch movies, lose our patience and get mad at something or at someone. 

That is totally normal. 

We know that as a Christian you'd be labeled as "perfect" Christian and then you start to get cautious of your behavior. You'd be doing a checklist of your what-to-do or what-not-to-do list. You'd spend time thinking and evaluating yourself all day, to check if you are still worthy of His love. Soon it will become a habit and will be so stressful on your part. You will find it's not healthy anymore. The more you see yourself as bad and not worthy of His love, unconsciously, you'd start going away far from Him. Instead of coming boldly to Him, you'd run away and find your own comfort zone.

As you know, you are not meant to live by watching or rating yourself all day, forever so you can be worthy of God's love. No. No. No my friend. God is not like us. Imagine if God is like us, we'd probably all go to hell. Being a Christian doesn't work that way. True Christians believe that God loves them so . Period!

God loves you so much. He sent Jesus as your redemeer for nothing. That's why Jesus keep telling you to come to Him and He will give you rest...not stress. 

I won't take this long for now.
I urge you to keep believing that God loves you so no matter what. 

So relax. Live life to the fullest with Jesus and experience victory 
all for His glory!

See you on my next blog. :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Eternal Glory

Problems in life are but temporary.
It will make you strong and be creative so just always take it on a positive side.
Do not fret, be stressed out or get swayed by it. You are not meant to struggle with it.
Because you have Jesus in your life, you are different. You are blessed. Hold unto His promises because Jesus will never leave you nor forsake.So just be thankful and say,
"Thank You Jesus , You are my strength. Amen!"

Enjoy today's devotional from
"Jesus Calling For Kids" by Sarah Young. This is an awesome devotional. Let Jesus talk to you everyday through one of these.

Good morning :)

We have small troubles for a while now, but they are helping us gain an eternal glory. That glory is much greater than the troubles.
—2 Corinthians 4:17 (ICB)

When you have a problem that goes on and on, with no end in sight, see it as a wonderful opportunity. An ongoing problem is like having a tutor who is always by your side. If you are willing, you can learn so much from your trouble.

Ask Me to open your eyes and your heart to all that I am doing through this problem. I may be teaching you patience or persistence. Perhaps I am strengthening your faith or your courage.

Then thank Me for the lessons you are learning. When you can be thankful for a problem, it loses its power to drag you down. In fact, your thankful attitude lifts you up into heavenly places with Me, where you see the situation from My point of view. This lets you see your problem as a small, temporary trouble that is helping you gain an eternal Glory—blessings that will never end!


Born To Win | From the Producer of Faith Like Potatoes

One of my biggest dreams when I was younger, was to be produce great nlockbuster movies. But now God changed my heart, I want to create, pro...