Monday, January 19, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

God Gives You Undeserved Preferential Treatment By Joseph Prince

God Gives You Undeserved Preferential Treatment
By Joseph Prince

Romans 1:7
7… Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

When you fly first class in an airplane, the cabin crew gives you first-class treatment. They ask you, “Is everything okay with you, sir?” They ask you what magazines you want to read. They give you a blanket if you are cold. They give you the best kinds of food. They give you preferential treatment compared to those traveling in economy class.

The grace of God is defined as “undeserved, unearned and unmerited favor”. And one of the definitions for favor is “preferential treatment”! Today, God wants you to know that you have His favor on you. He wants you to know that He gives you preferential treatment which you do not deserve. And He wants you to depend on and take full advantage of it in your life.

God also wants you to know that His favor in your life can be increased. You can experience more of His favor from day to day. How? The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 1:2 that God’s grace (or favor) is multiplied to us “in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord”. The more you behold Jesus and His love for you, the more you believe and confess that God’s favor is on you, the more you will see His favor work for you.

So if you are a doctor, you will find patients favoring you and you will have more patients than you can handle. If you are a businessman, you will find people just wanting to do business with you because they like you and feel good about you. Then, you will have more business than you can handle and you will need to plan for expansion!

When the favor of God shines on your church, you will find its premises too small for the people who queue up week after week to attend the services! So when people wonder and ask, “What is happening here?” you can tell them, “It is the favor of God multiplied all over us!” And it is all undeserved, unearned and unmerited!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jesus is Faithful

Reading this thru Provision Promises book by Joseph Prince. Everyday you should feed your soul and mind. Cuz the devil loves to play around with our thoughts. If you don't have these kind of truth to stabilize your faith, it's likely that you'll get confused or doubt. So, the technique is, don't fight the devill. Because he has already lost. Just continue to feed your soul with His word. 

In Jesus, you always stay on the right track. That's a guarantee!

Are You Tired On Religion?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Check this out!

I love it when I found out that one of my fave hotels in Singapore has this on their drawer.

I feel safe and secure. God is reminding me of His love and blessings everywhere I go.

Thank You Lord for all the blessings in 2014. Looking forward to an awesome restoration in 2015.

Taken at Marina Bay Sands Singapore

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Let Jesus Guide You All The Way

I love this. It's really cool to start your day with Jesus,

Just read devotional like this on your iphone ,ipad or smart phones and you are ready to go.

Let Jesus bless your way wherever you go.

You need it.

Source: Jesus Calling For Kids
By Sarah Young

Ask Jesus for Your Purpose

When you feel you have almost everything,

When you feel and know that you already have been too spoiled by God.

When everything is almost perfect but still you feel bored or empty.

Ask Jesus to lead you the way.

Ask Him about your purpose. So you can return the glory.

Born To Win | From the Producer of Faith Like Potatoes

One of my biggest dreams when I was younger, was to be produce great nlockbuster movies. But now God changed my heart, I want to create, pro...