Sunday, June 21, 2015

God Says...

No matter what you're going through right now, pause and read this for awhile.

God surely wants to bless you.

Don't forget to share.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Tyrese Gibson: Pray Specific Prayers

Tyrese Gibson said on his Facebook page that he has been trying to upload this video 5x

and some unseen forces trying to stop it.

Well, of course God is more powerful that's why I'm sharing it here on my blog.

Be powered up by God's word through Tyrese Gibson.

Some things he stressed out are:
"COINCIDENCE" is God's way of staying anonymous.

"God will never give you something that somebody else suppose to have."

Just beautiful!

I've tried to UPLOAD this video 5 times...  Some unseen forces clearly don't want you to see this... If it uploads please share!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Tyrese Gibson on Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Believing The God of Grace

In the morning I read Psalm 91 and Jesus Calling for Kids..

Now , before dozing off I read Joseph Prince' "Right Believing" devotional.

I am doing this not because I want to get good score from God.

I cannot do that because I would be too lazy to do that. Haha!

Kidding aside...I don't know.

I'm doing this now because my spirit prompts me to do it.

It's amazing really..there's no struggle and all.

Guess, my spirit is hungry for God's word.

In the Bible, it says...God's word is HEALTH to our flesh!

And it really is...

Keep asking God for wisdom and He shall lead you to it.

It's amazing when He does that. And I'm sure you will love it too the way I'm loving

it now:)

Believing The God of Grace

Today’s Scripture
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Are you like many today who believe in a “religious” God? Do you believe that God is against you when you fall short, that He is angry with you when you fail, and that fellowship with Him is cut off when you make mistakes?
It’s no wonder then that instead of running to the one true solution, many sincere folks run in the opposite direction when they are hurting. So there is a great deception, a powerful, wrong belief about God that has trapped many in the vicious cycle of condemnation, guilt, fear, defeat, and addiction.
My friend, I want you to know today that God is a God of infinite grace. He is repugnant to the “religious,” but gracious and irresistible to those who are hurting.
No matter what you are going through today, whatever addictions may be binding you, right believing can and will set you free. Start with believing this powerful truth:
God is a God of grace and forgiveness. “He loves you very much, and He doesn’t hold your mistakes against you.”

“Don’t let the mistakes you have made in the past hold you back from reaching out to God and receiving His forgiveness for all your failures. Begin to believe right about the Lord, believe right about His heart and love for you, and your entire life will be transformed. Right believing always leads to right living!”

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Just Trust Jesus No Matter What !

Such a wise advice.

You see, we all have problems on different ways and levels.

Don't ever think that you are the only one who's carrying any burden.

I , too have my own personal

I thank Jesus because He has taught me ways on how to deal with any problem.

And it's really very simple.

You just need to trust in Him.

Believe that whatever comes around in your life today, no matter how you think like how complicated it is. How hopeless it is. You got Jesus! And that's the most important thing to have in this mad, fallen world!

Believe that Jesus can turn around your negative situation in an instant.

If you say, how come it's not happening to me. I tell you, pray for it and just trust Him, stand back and relax!

Jesus didn't die at the cross just to leave you hanging or stranded in this world. No. No. No.

Jesus is your restorer, redemeer and protector. No one else gonna do that for you. Remember that.
Only Jesus!!!


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Laughing at Troubles

Thank You for the reminder Lord.

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
—Proverbs 31:25

Learn to laugh at yourself and at the world. Instead of getting bogged down in the mud of worry and fear, laugh and be happy because I am by your side. Just as parents delight in the laughter of their children, so I delight in hearing you laugh. I feel happy when you trust Me enough to enjoy your life.

Don’t let worrying over troubles—especially things that haven’t even happened yet—keep you from laughing. Live each day to its fullest by being full of My Joy. That doesn’t mean you won’t ever have any problems. It doesn’t mean you won’t ever be sad.

But it does mean that when troubles come, you can still have Joy because the Creator of the universe is right there beside you— helping you with your problems.

So learn to laugh at your troubles . . . and you’ll find that they aren’t nearly so troublesome.

Monday, June 15, 2015

No Weapons Formed Against You Shall Prosper

No weapon formed against you shall prosper...This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord.

Isaiah 54:17

Let's study this verse.

First line says,

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper. "

The devil will do all what he can to sabotage or destroy whatever relationship you have started with Jesus. He will use calamities like earthquakes, accidents, sickness , terrorism, collegues and even your friends to wreck you out from head to toe.


It may form and exist but don't worry... Because as what God has promised to you in this verse, " No weapons formed against you shall Prosper!!!"

Second line is,
Because Jesus is in you.

"This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord."

You might say, "Oh I have done something stupid today. I got pissed at my friend. I did this. I did that. There's no way God's gonna protect me now. "

The verse says, "their righteousness is FROM ME. "

Your righteousness is FROM where?

Think real hard.

Your righteousness is FROM JESUS!

And bro and sis,
All you gotta do is believe and proclaim this verse boldly because
your righteousness is FROM HIM and not from what you've done or not done.

Amazing right??

Ohhhh thank You Lord Jesus
for protecting us Your children
from this fallen, mad world!


Good morning dear ones and hope you are blessed by this. :)

I shall try to update more of this blog. So don't forget to Subscribe and be my friend. :)

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