Monday, July 6, 2015

Judge God Faithful

This is so true for me.

I have faith in God because of His promises on me. Like Jeremiah 29:11. God promises that He only wants to prosper and not to harm me. God says that, I believe that. Period !

What are you believing God for today?

Well, no matter how tough it's gonna be easy, just believe. He won't let you down.

Enjoy today's devotional from Josep Prince dear friends.

You will be blessed.

Meditate On

By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.
Hebrews 11:11

Judge God Faithful

We often hear about Abraham’s faith, but do you know that his wife, Sarah, had faith too? She received divine strength to conceive Isaac, even though by this time, as a woman who had never conceived, she was doubly barren!

How did Sarah find faith? The Bible tells us that she “judged Him faithful who had promised.” She was conscious of the Lord’s faithfulness, not her own faithfulness!

My friend, rest in the faithfulness of Jesus. It’s not your faithfulness but His faithfulness—His faithfulness in always loving you and making good on His promise to heal you and provide for you. When you find yourself wavering in faith, judge Him faithful and be at rest. He cannot fail you and will do as His Word has promised!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Joseph Prince - How To Pray When You Have No Prayer - 31 Aug 14

How do you call out to God when you don’t have a prayer in you? Let Joseph Prince show you how God doesn’t demand eloquent prayers, and how a heartfelt groan to Him for help is enough to reach His throne and bring His grace onto the scene! See from Scripture how God responds with healing and deliverance to the groans and sighs from His people. You don’t have to remain in sickness and bondage, or simply accept situations of defeat any longer. You can release the sighs and groans in your heart to God and see Him move powerfully on your behalf!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Jesus' Name is Above All Names!

Whatever sickness that you are dealing with right now,

it has a name.

Jesus' name is above all names...therefore, your sickness shall bow down in Jesus' mighty name!


So right now, I want you to touch whatever sickness you have, migraines,

Heart problem, highblood, cancer, diabetes and boldly speak to it to go away,

Be cast out unto the sea and never ever come back.

Let it go away because your body belongs to Jesus!

Claim your healing now!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Joseph Prince - Why Does God Allow Delays? - 23 Feb 2014

Abraham and Sarah waited a long time for their promised child. Joshua and Caleb waited forty years to enter the promised land. So why does God allow delays to your blessings? Get the answer in this must-hear message by Joseph Prince and be encouraged to know that delays don't spell the death of your dreams. See how waiting time is not wasted time as the Lord preserves you and imparts to you what you would

Joseph Prince - The Root Cause Of Your Problem Is Condemnation - 06 Jan 2006 - Classic Sermon

When was the last time you had an evil day? If you look back and trace how it started, you will find that it all began when you received the accusations and condemnation of the devil. What brought about your evil day was not so much stress or fear, but the deepest root of all — condemnation. Listen to this message and root out condemnation in your life!

You Have A Choice

Life has its ups and downs that's

why its more exciting.

But if sometimes things get out of

hand and you end up losing

control, don't panic.

You might say, " Dinx, it's easy for

you to say not to get panic

because you are not in the

situation yeah?"

I say, "Yeah, that's why I'm talking

based on my experience. Because

I used to be that way. And really

nothing went easy because I got

panic over a negative situation. "

You see when you let outside things control

you especially the negative events,

you will end up more frustrated

simply because you let them.

While if you decide not to be

affected or swept away by it,

things form its own perspective.

So here's my simple tip on how to deal with this.


Breathe in.

Breathe out.

And say this,

"Jesus, thank You for You are my strength and patience. I cannot do this but I know You can. "

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Repeat xxx times until you feel okay.

End it with saying...

"Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!"

Woooow! I'm saying this too while typing it down and wooooh! i, myself feel the new energy.
Jesus is surely listening. Heheh!


You've taken the first step to exercise your power of choice today!

Always think positive yeah?
It's healthier that way. :)

Happy Thursday!

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