Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Give it all up to God

Yeah. Now I just learnt to give it all up to God and believe everything's gonna be alright.

I cannot solve my problems.

Only His will and mighty hand can.

Love you Lord!

Monday, April 11, 2016

#WORSHIP: REFUGE with Lyrics

I call upon Your name
You delivered me from harm
In the shadow of Your wings
No fear comes
I turn to You alone
Jesus, You’re my guiding light
In the presence of Your love
I will abide

No matter what the storm
You command the surging seas
At Your word there is a calm and a peace
Forever in Your heart
I can never fall away
For Your faithful love endures age to age

For I say out loud
You are my strong tower
You will rescue me, Yahweh
I will not grow faint but my heart grows stronger
As I choose to seek Your face

I run to You, my refuge
For You are on my side
Hosanna, hosanna!
God arise!

CCLI: 7036235

#AnthemOfGrace #NewCreationWorship #nccsg

Choose to trust Me all the time - Jesus

In my Christian journey,
I have learnt to trust Jesus no matter what is going on in my life.

I chose to praise Him even in the midst of my heartaches, pains and confusions. And somehow, it has helped me experience His unexplainable peace.

Guess, that's the best thing you can do rather than worrying all day.

Try it.

When something is scaring you,

Just say ,
"Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!"

Until all your pains and fears melt away.

There is power in praising the Lord.

Enjoy today's devotional my dear friend.

Remember, God is always with you.

But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.”
—Psalm 31:14

Trusting Me is a choice you must make every minute. It isn’t enough to trust Me just sometimes. Again and again throughout the day, you must choose to trust Me. Even many grown-ups don’t understand this.

Remember Moses and the Israelites? They had just escaped Egypt. They had seen ten miraculous plagues. They had seen the waters of the Red Sea parted, and they had walked through the sea on dry land. They had seen Pharaoh’s army destroyed in the sea. They trusted Me—until they got hungry or thirsty. Then they forgot to trust.

Don’t you do the same thing sometimes? When everything is going great, it’s easy for you to trust Me. But when things start to go wrong, trusting isn’t so easy. It’s a choice you have to make.

Choose to trust Me all the time.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Just Today

Than You for the reminder Lord.

Just Today

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
—Philippians 3:13–14

I have made this day for you. Be careful not to complain about anything in it—not your English test, not your frizzy hair, not even the weather—because I am the Creator of this day. Instead, decide to be happy today. Open your eyes, and choose to look for all the blessings I have hidden in this day.

Then live today—just today. Don’t think about mistakes you’ve made in the past. Don’t worry about what will happen tomorrow. You will only end up wasting today. I want you to enjoy abundant Life in My Presence—today!

Talk To Jesus Episode #01

Some people give up their life or end it because they fear of the future.
Some feels rejected and abandoned, others just disappointed about what's coming to them.

If only they know that someone loves them so much with a passion. And that He actually gave up His Son, Jesus just to have him/her back, they will push through and look at things in different perspective.

You see, we all have our woes and problems. The difference is that how we handle it.

And we all have our choices on how to handle it.
You can spend time with friends and talk about your problems all day.
You can go shopping all day.
You can get drunk all day.
Travel here and there.

But still at the end of the day,
you will end up , depressed and even more frustrated.

(I can relate to this when I have no JESUS in my life 8 years ago)

You know why?

Because the emptiness you feel inside, the things in this world which are temporary cannot fill it.

Only Jesus can fill your empty and broken heart.

So, why not try taking things differently today.

Talk to Him all the day instead.
And see.

I promise you, you will feel the difference.

Talk to Him.
Cry with Him.
Tell all your hurts and pains with Him.

That's the best thing you can do for now.

Are you ready?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Don’t Practice Your Problems - Jesus

Thank You Jesus, Your love for me has made me fearless here on this mad-fallen world.
It's just You and me now♥️♥️♥️

Don’t Practice Your Problems

The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
—Exodus 33:14

Everywhere you go, I go. Nothing can separate you from My Love. I love you so much that I even gave My Life for you. You can trust Me to take care of you.

Sometimes, though, when you aren’t really focusing on Me, you start to rehearse and practice your problems—going over them again and again in your mind. What will you do about that grade, this friendship, or that temptation? You start to feel alone and worried. Then you try to fix it yourself.

But you are never alone, because My Presence goes with you wherever you go. There is no need to worry, and you don’t have to fix anything by yourself. Bring your problems to Me. In My Presence, many problems simply vanish, and others become much easier to handle.

Don’t practice your problems; practice bringing your problems to Me.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I never left - Jesus

Thank You Jesus for not leaving my side.
Now it's You and me together.

I Never Left

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.
—Genesis 28:15

I am always with you and for you. Always. The question is whether or not you are with Me and for Me.

I never leave you. But you leave Me when you ignore Me and refuse to spend time with Me. You leave Me when you say and do things that you know are wrong. You leave Me when you choose being popular over being My child.

So when you can’t feel My Presence, know that you are the one who has moved away. I never left. My Love for you is the same yesterday, today, and always. When you feel like I am far away, just whisper My Name. It’s a simple act of faith, but it opens your heart to Me. Bring Me your words of love and praise—and then let Me love you!

Called To Your Purpose by Grace Harmonies

Called To Your Purpose by Grace Harmonies I feel incredibly blessed to be part of a generation that can harness the power of AI. It’s amazin...