Yes. I made a mistake.
But shall I dwell on it forever or
just give it everything to Jesus?

Watch to See What I Will Do
But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.
—Micah 7:7
You are human, and that means you will make mistakes. So don’t be so hard on yourself. And don’t waste time thinking about past mistakes. That only makes you feel like a failure. Instead, bring your mistakes to Me. I can use them to make something good happen. Let Me use My creativity to weave your choices—good and bad—into something beautiful.
Try to see your mistakes as blessings that can help you be more understanding of others. For example, when you are angry and say the wrong thing to a friend, that mistake can help you understand—and forgive—someone who says something unkind to you. More importantly, mistakes give you the chance to trust Me to bring something good out of everything. Bring Me your mistakes—and then watch to see what I will do with them.
Jesus Calling For Kids
by Sarah Young