Wednesday, May 18, 2016

You Got Jesus!

Do not be afraid.

Whatever your current situation is

just look up to Him and say,

"Jesus I can do all things through You who strengthens me.
I shall not be stressed. "

Do not walk into this earth as if you don't have Jesus.

Man , you got Jesus. And when you have Jesus you have everything!!

So just look forward.

Keep praising and thanking Him for what He has done at the cross for you.

And move on to an awesome future!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

You are Victor in Jesus' Mighty Name

Whatever your situation right now,
Don't bow into it.
Instead say,
"Problem, whatever you are you have a name!
And you shall bow down in Jesus' mighty name!"

That's my secret. And I am sharing it with you.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Just Ask For it

Just have a talked with my boss this morning and guess what..

I will be out of job soon!

Too bad the company is moving to another direction and they won't be needing my service anymore.

Shall I cry??

Shall I be dismayed?

Shall I scream and shout,
"Loooord what's happening??"

Initially , I couldn't understand my reaction.

Honestly, A little bit of fear started to crept in.

Telling me, " ohhh noo! I'm gonna be jobless first time here in Singapore!"

Scary right??

But a voice deep inside has poked and comforted me ..

"You have given me only until the end of the year to turn things around for you.
Remember the plans you have told me?
You won't be able to do that if you are stuck in a 4-walled room. "


Then I paused and said,

"Oh yeaaah.. So this is it?"

The holy spirit told me,

Prepare for BIGGER and Amazing things to happen in your life now.

Since you asked for it BOLDLY,
then you will have it!



I can't really express my feelings right now.

It's all mixed-up together so for now
I will just leave you with this awesome reminder.

Stay tuned and will share more of this journey together with Jesus!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

You Are Highly Favoured Because of Jesus

Because of Jesus, you have been made righteous in the eyes of our Abba Father.
So stop looking at your abilities, failures or mistakes to gain the favour of God.

You are already highly favoured and deeply loved ALL BECAUSE of JESUS sacrificed at the cross!


Amazing Lord!
Let us praise Him everyday of our lives.
He deserves our never-ending praise!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Don't Borrow Worries

Make it a habit to give all your worries to Jesus.
He knows how to handle it well.

Just do it and praise Him instead.
Worrying is better than praising Him.

Don’t Borrow Worries

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
—John 14:27

Whenever your mind gets stuck on a problem, bring it to Me and thank Me for it. Ask Me to show you My way of handling it. When you do this, your mind is freed and the problem is robbed of its power to make you worry. Together, we will deal with your problem, either facing it right now or putting it aside for later.

You see, many of the worries that tangle up your mind today are actually ones that you have borrowed from tomorrow. Don’t waste time worrying about whether or not you will make the team next year, or pass the class next semester, or even what you will do this weekend. Give those borrowed worries to Me and let Me put them in the future where they belong. Leave them there—out of sight—and I will replace them with My Peace.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jesus is the End of All Your Struggles

Jesus is the end of all your struggles.

Yes. So true!

You know, what you are going through right now, do not dwell or focus on it.
Give it all to Jesus !

Jesus doesn't want to worry,
He wants you to rest in Him..
In His love and promises.

The problem with us humans is that we get scared easily.
Small problems we panic.
Big problems we get overwhelmed.

The devil loves that.

So now, I am sharing this to you based on my experience.

Do not fear because Jesus is with you.

These past few weeks , I can say I have been through alot. It has been the darkest days of my life.

I cried cuz of regrets. Yes. It's okay. But I gave everything to God!
Because He is my Abba, Father and I know that even in my most difficult times, He is hugging me.

I have stopped relying on my feelings to trust God.
I rely on His words and promises that I am His Beloved and that He will never EVER leave me or forsake!

That's my secret my friend.

Anchor your faith to God and you will never be disappointed.

Life is not perfect yet for now but I believe it's gonna happen soon because I prayed and asked Him for it.

I believe God is turning things around for my own good.

My friend, I am no special.

It's just that I have anchored my faith to God and to Him only.

He will do the same to you too.

So do not be afraid .

Just keep praising Him instead and ask for His leading.

You won't be disappointed.

The Purpose of Problems in Your Life

I knew it. Problems exist to make you closer to Jesus!
Face it with boldness because you got Jesus!

Share and bless others too!

Troubles into Triumph

. . . always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
—Ephesians 5:20

Don’t try to run away from the problems in your life. Those problems aren’t just random mistakes. They are blessings in disguise. And I can use them to make your faith stronger. So instead of worrying about problems, see them as a chance to trust Me more.

When you start to feel stressed, that is a sign that you need My help. And it’s okay to need My help—I created you to need Me. This world idolizes those who don’t seem to need help from anyone. But in My kingdom I bless those who come to Me and ask for My help. As you practice trusting Me, you will see that I have the Power to turn problems into possibilities and troubles into triumphs.

So when a problem comes your way, be thankful. And let that problem lead you into a closer relationship with Me.

🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️

🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️ Take just 12 minutes to experience the healing power of prayer. 🙏...