Jesus is the end of all your struggles.
Yes. So true!
You know, what you are going through right now, do not dwell or focus on it.
Give it all to Jesus !
Jesus doesn't want to worry,
He wants you to rest in Him..
In His love and promises.
The problem with us humans is that we get scared easily.
Small problems we panic.
Big problems we get overwhelmed.
The devil loves that.
So now, I am sharing this to you based on my experience.
Do not fear because Jesus is with you.
These past few weeks , I can say I have been through alot. It has been the darkest days of my life.
I cried cuz of regrets. Yes. It's okay. But I gave everything to God!
Because He is my Abba, Father and I know that even in my most difficult times, He is hugging me.
I have stopped relying on my feelings to trust God.
I rely on His words and promises that I am His Beloved and that He will never EVER leave me or forsake!
That's my secret my friend.
Anchor your faith to God and you will never be disappointed.
Life is not perfect yet for now but I believe it's gonna happen soon because I prayed and asked Him for it.
I believe God is turning things around for my own good.
My friend, I am no special.
It's just that I have anchored my faith to God and to Him only.
He will do the same to you too.
So do not be afraid .
Just keep praising Him instead and ask for His leading.
You won't be disappointed.