Monday, July 25, 2016

The Winds are Shifting in your direction

The winds are shifting in your direction..
You have royal DNA
flowing through your veins..
This is your season of divine favor!


Joel Osteen

Jesus Came To Save the Sinners


Do you sin?
Do you make mistakes?
Do you get angry or mad?

If you said yes in one of these,
then wow!

Jesus came to save you!

As long as you gonna believe Him as your savior. You are save!
Simple, right??

So do it now please.


You see, Jesus didn't came for perfect people.
If you think you are perfect,
then you don't need Jesus.
But no no no.
It's even a mistake in thinking of yourself as perfect.

I say, no one's perfect here in this world except Jesus!
So praise Him!


You are a Winner!

When God has selected you,
It doesn't matter who rejected you!
You are a winner because of what Jesus has done at the cross for you.
He died for you so you can live an
fruitful, awesome and abundant life!
Give praises to Him!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

You Are Blessed!!

By the power of Jesus' blood shed for you...
You are blessed with divine health,
Prosperity, love, peace and protection!

Claim it !
Receive it in Jesus' mighty name!


Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Gospel...

After 9 years of a being a "Solid" Christian.. ( Well, I thought I was that "solid" until ups and downs of life has struck me)

For years, I never really looked closely at the cross.
How Jesus suffered the whippings and endured the pain that was not meant for Him so My soul can be saved and be reunited with Abba.

Now, I am more than thankful for Jesus' sacrifice for me.

I still keep asking why God needs to choose me over His Son.


Thank You Abba, Father!

I am now confident that You will never leave me nor forsake me.

You gave up Your son for me.
There's no way that You will leave me alone.

I may have struggles right now.
But I know these are just temporary.
It shall come to pass.

I will glorify You oh Lord.

So please keep showering me all the blessings of divine health, restoration on my relationships and financial blessings (that I have talked to you about )

This blog is not enough to glorify You.
I know I am meant to do more.

Just keep leading me to Your Light.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Guess, It's Time To Preach Jesus

With the way I am today,
all I can see are disappointments and failures.

That's why I keep thanking #God, because inspite of all these, He sent Jesus, His ONLY Beloved Son to die for me at the cross.

That's how much God loves me.

That's how much God loves you.

So now, if you happen to read this and you are not a believer yet.

Pause for awhile.

You see, life is complicated , tiring enough.

That's why Jesus is extending His hand to you...

to accept Him as your personal Savior from all these.

In this world, things could get a little crazy, or even crazier for some and hopeless.

But Jesus is our hope that doesn't disappoint.

Yes. Jesus is your rest.

Accept Him as your personal savior today and let the answers and #secret of life unfolds.


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#Amen #Jesus #JesusChrist
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Just Believe!

#believe and #Receive your blessings.

#Jesus has done it for you so much at the cross.

Now all you gotta do is to claim it! Claim your blessings, divine protection, financial and relationship restoration now!

Because of what Jesus has done at the cross,

You are now God's beloved.
Highly favoured, deeply-loved!


Called To Your Purpose by Grace Harmonies

Called To Your Purpose by Grace Harmonies I feel incredibly blessed to be part of a generation that can harness the power of AI. It’s amazin...