Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jesus is Your Greatest Wealth

Jesus—Our Greatest Provision
By Joseph Prince

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the finished work of Jesus.

At the cross, Jesus gave of Himself completely and made a provision for the forgiveness of our sins that no one else could. He chose to lay down His life in exchange for ours. All our sins, failures and mistakes are forever washed away by the precious blood shed at Calvary! Truly, in Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, “according to the riches of His grace”.

My friend, the Lord’s grace toward you is bountiful and rich. Today, receive His grace, His forgiveness, His love and His mercy in a fresh and powerful way. It is not material wealth that makes you rich. It is having Jesus—your greatest wealth!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

ABC's of Faith (21) - The Faith of Enoch

ABC's of Faith (21) - The Faith of Enoch

Hebrews 11 is God’s hall of fame using each pioneer of faith to show a particular aspect of the Life of Faith. By faith ENOCH WALKED with God in daily fellowship (Gen 5:22) giving God pleasure, and he believed that God would translate him before judgment fell (Heb 11:5) - a type of the Pre-Trib Rapture.

#JesusCalling 30 May

I just stopped of what I am doing right now and spend time with His word.

It is so refreshing. ❤❤❤

Try it.

The Gift of Your Time

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

—2 Chronicles 16:9

Don’t rush through our time together. When you are in a hurry, your mind flips back and forth between Me and the things you are about to do. You have My full attention; I want your full attention too.

Set aside a special time every day just to be with Me. It can be early in the morning or just before you go to sleep. It can be soon after you get home from school. But don’t let other things crowd out our time together. Then look for a quiet place where you can relax in My Presence. Perhaps it’s a cozy spot in the den, or in your room. Or maybe it’s outside under a tree. Find a peaceful place for us to meet. Look forward to our time together!

When you bring Me the gift of your time, I strengthen you and prepare you for what is ahead of you—this day and all your days.

Psalm 119:27; Hebrews 13:15

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Worship Jesus in the Midst of Your Trouble and Enjoy Life!

We all have our own troubles, problems in life.

What we do in the midst of it all is what matters.

Don't go into that viscious cycle of worrying and stressing yourself out.

You are now different because you believe in Jesus as your savior not just for your soul

but your everyday struggles and victories as well.

I am in the midst of my troubles now.

But for me, I choose to stay close to Jesus by listening to worship songs or Jesus-filled sermons.

The more I am attacked spiritually, the more I boldly cling to Jesus.

Sometimes, I wanted to give up...BUT I switched my mind and focus on Jesus and

after that, I am back on my feet again. (The devil wants you to give up, so don't let him win yeah!)

Relying too much on our feelings is dangerous.

So I am telling you now, DO NOT RELY ON IT.

Let me share with yuo my devotion this morning.

This morning, I just decided to worship Jesus first before anything else.

Before checking on my facebook and emails.

And I was swept away by His love, peace and comfort.

Let this become our habit my friend.

Worship JESUS in the midst of our troubles.


If you are grappling with something right now...

From "The Power of Right Believing" book
by Joseph Prince

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Look up always

I keep looking at the sky to check if Jesus is on mid-air.

Please Lord Jesus take us back home.

Me and my mom especially.

And hope I will still be able to help save more souls.

I know that it's in the Bible that only few will enter the kingdom of God.

But hope some things will change.

I know how much You love the people in this world. And I hope they will get to know you before everything's too late.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, May 29, 2017

Timely Salvation

I am so pumped up with the Holy Spirit.

That is why I am sharing this with you all.

Let's rejoice of what Jesus has done for us at the cross.

Jesus is an awesome Savior!

And He is so coming soon !



God created and implemented a salvation plan exclusively for you before the foundations of the earth were established. God loves you so much that He planned and predestined His timely salvation plan for you through His Son, Your Savior, Jesus Christ. In Christ we are redeemed through His powerful blood. The Blood of Jesus Christ, our Savior, paid for the penalty of our sins and resulted in the forgiveness of our sins in accordance with the riches of His grace which He lavishes on us.

If you didn’t know already, you are a part of God’s will and family, set apart, chosen, and claimed by God as His very own. You were chosen by God before you ever thought about needing a savior, deliverer, redeemer, and shepherd. God had you covered and established His redemptive plan for your life by and through His loving grace and mercy. By accepting Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior, receiving His loving gift of salvation, following Him, aiming to continuously align and live a life that purposefully targets to obey God’s will, word, and way, you are faithfully and actively walking in God’s salvation plan for your life as a believer.

You are special in God’s sight and He has a dynamic plan and purpose for you, but you must receive by faith His free loving gift of salvation established exclusively for you. God knew every aspect and outcome of your life before one of them even came to be and loved you enough to send His one and only son to die for your sins so that you will be saved and have eternal life if you believe in Him. Don’t entertain the thoughts that you are unlovable, unforgivable, or unsaveable, because God came through for you already in timely salvation!

What a powerful, awesome, and loving Father we serve that prepared for our beginning, present, and eternal destiny. Receive all of God’s promises for your life today, because God’s timely salvation is available for you for every area and aspect of your life. Jesus’ blood has already redeemed you. It’s time to believe, receive, and possess the promises and inheritance our heavenly Father has bestowed on us.

God always comes through on time for you. Faithfully obey His instructions, develop in His training, and receive His loving gift of salvation as you triumph in victory, wisdom, and encouragement.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Called To Your Purpose by Grace Harmonies

Called To Your Purpose by Grace Harmonies I feel incredibly blessed to be part of a generation that can harness the power of AI. It’s amazin...