Windows of Heaven
I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.
—Habakkuk 3:18
When you come to Me with a thankful heart, it opens up windows of heaven. Spiritual blessings fall freely through those windows and down into your life. A thankful heart opens you up to these blessings, and then you have even more reasons to be grateful.
Being thankful brings you many blessings, but it is not a magic formula. Thankful words are really just the language of Love, and they help you grow closer to Me. When you thank Me, it makes a love-connection between your heart and Mine. Just as a telephone connection lets you talk to another person, a loving, thankful heart helps you talk to Me—and Me to you.
Being thankful doesn’t mean you close your eyes to the many problems in this world. It means you find Joy in Me—your Savior— in the midst of a messed-up world. I am your hiding place and your strength. And I’m always ready to help you!
Habakkuk 3:17–18; Psalm 46:1