Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Joseph Prince - ​Hesed Wisdom To Live Skillfully - 22 Apr 18

Joseph Prince - ​Hesed Wisdom To Live Skillfully - 22 Apr 18

Want insight and discernment to do the right thing at the right time, stay out of trouble, and experience success? Joseph Prince highlights why we need divine wisdom now more than ever, and shows you how you can tackle daily challenges with God’s hesed wisdom. See how God willingly gives practical wisdom to those who ask so they can see right to the heart of a matter, act as wisely as a serpent, and yet be as harmless as a dove. Don’t just accumulate earthly knowledge—get wisdom from above and live with skill and enjoy good success!

Bible Prophecy is Happening Worldwide! (2018-2019)

In this world, you don't need to wait for the AVENGERS to save you.

You only need JESUS!

He is the ultimate hero...

I have watched this video, and if all of these shall come to pass,

you don't run, cry your heart out and be stuck in fear.

Just stand there, close your eyes and call unto Jesus.

Ask Him to save your soul.

Accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior.

Now, do you have to wait when that fatal days will come?

I say, DON'T.

You have come to read this blog today.

God has directed you to read this blog today.

so the perfect moment is to accept JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior TODAY!

That is how much He loves you so.

He wants to redeem you from all evils in this world and soon to reunite with Him upthere.

Yes, in this video. scientists, smart and intellectual people are baffled.

Some may have explanations to everything but, I say, trust in Jesus.

He knows the future ahead.

Jesus himself said, "He is the ALPHA and OMEGA".

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Revelation 22:13

so just trust Him.

Are you ready to accept JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior now?

Pray this with me:

Father I thank you that you love me so much, no matter what my past has been you have a future for me that is bright.
I thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus and I desire to experience all that he gave his life for me to have.
I choose now to turn from my own way, and I ask you to cleanse me of all unrighteousness. I believe that Jesus died to take my sin and rose from the dead that I may be forgiven.
I call upon Jesus to be Lord of my life and I choose to follow you.

I declare that right now I am your child and I am free to be who you created me to be, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Church sucks Part 1 by Michael Todd

This is why people stay away from churches.

Because of all these goody-goody feeling-perfect Christians.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Family restored through the power of right believing | New Creation Church

Family restored through the power of right believing | New Creation Church

It all started as a social pastime. But as days passed, the stakes grew higher and he became addicted to gambling. Unable to rid himself of the addiction, Deacon Matthew Kang watched helplessly as his life went downhill and his marriage was reduced to shambles. Watch Deacon Matthew's inspiring testimony, filmed in 2011, as he retells how the power of right believing in God's grace set him free from bondage, and restored his family.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Joseph Prince - How To Pray Powerful Prayers - 16 Jun 13

Why pray if God knows all my needs? Must I pray long and hard before God hears and answers me? Does God answer "selfish" prayers? Find out the answers and more as Joseph Prince tackles these common questions about prayer and exposes erroneous beliefs that have hindered believers from experiencing powerful prayer lives. Let right believing take root as you see through the scriptures how much God wants you to turn to Him and ask Him to provide for and restore to you—no matter how impossible your situation. Hear this message to step into a prayer life full of faith, rest, power and miracles!

Joseph Prince - Five Words To Live By—The Battle Is The Lord’s - 10 Jan 16

What do you do when faced with a daunting challenge? Get the keys to winning the battle and possessing your blessings in this powerful message by Joseph Prince. See from the Scriptures how your battle belongs to the Lord, while your part is simply to feed on and rest in His Word and His love. Discover how to walk in your blood-bought victory and blessings, how easy God’s grace has made it for you, and how to have a spirit of faith in the midst of your trial that will cause you to win and come out stronger than ever!

Joseph Prince in Lakewood (Houston, USA) ‒ 10/2017 (1st service)

🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️

🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️ Take just 12 minutes to experience the healing power of prayer. 🙏...