Monday, December 13, 2021

How To Build Your Faith 01


his is my strength. Reading and soaking in Jesus’ filled devotionals and 

preachings like those of Joseph Prince have been my strength and help in times 

of trouble and stress. 

Sharing it with you here my friend, and hope you will be blessed. 

Let your faith arise my dear Beloved friends.

Jesus has equipped us with truth through His anointed servants, pastors, preachers like Joseph Prince. 

Let us embrace it and not put it to waste. 

If you are reading this.. you are sooo blessed to know all these powerful truths!

These are our shield. 

Our protection from the works of the enemy. 

The enemy has put on lies on us for so many years and now it is time to break free from that bondage. 

Keep the faith in Jesus. 

Embrace and apply His promises and words in your life. God does not lie!

He loves you so. 

God will take care of you. 

No matter what challenges or struggles you are in right now.. speak God’s promises. 

“Jesus is our Shepherd. You shall not want. “

If scared , speak the words. 

“No weapons formed agains me shall prosper!”

We gotta be smart now guys!

The devil is a loser. Jesus wins!

We as Jesus’ beloved child are victorious!

So don’t be deceive by the devil again!

You are meant to live a victorious life because of what Jesus has done at the cross!

By Jesus’ stripes YOU ARE THE HEALED!


Applying the Written Word

By Joseph Prince

But the righteousness of faith speaks….But what does it say? 

“The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach).

Romans 10:6, 8

Let me show you examples of how you can use the written Word to come against the attacks of the enemy. 

Let’s say that while driving to work one morning, you hear some professor saying over the radio, 

“One in every five women will develop this disease by the age of forty.” 

That’s the time you must say, “It is written—‘Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler 

and from the perilous pestilence’” (Ps. 91:3). 

If you do this, you are putting up a shield of faith and you are releasing power as you declare 

that regardless of what the reports of the world say, your God shall deliver you from every deadly disease!

Here’s another example of when and how you can quote the written Word. Suppose for some reason, you are 

crippled by vivid images in your mind of yourself dying young and leaving your spouse and little ones 

to fend for themselves. Again, this is the time to speak the Word of God against those fears. 

Declare, “It is written—‘With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation’” (Ps. 91:16).

Maybe you might know of an acquaintance who was killed in a fatal accident. 

Now, you are fearful that the same thing might happen to you. 

My friend, the enemy has just shot you with a fiery dart. We do not know what the other person believed. 

We can only be responsible for our own beliefs and lives. Perhaps your relatives or family members 

have died from the same illness and the enemy is now attacking you with thoughts that you will 

also develop diabetes like your father and uncle did, or die from the same heart condition they had.

My friend, if you have been entertaining thoughts like these, NOW is the time to rise up and make this declaration: 

“A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall NOT come near me” (see Ps. 91:7)! 

For something to happen at your right hand means that it has to be really close to you. 

This means that even if something unfortunate happens to someone close to you, 

do not allow fear to hold you in its paralyzing grip. 

Speak forth the written Word of God!

Thank You Jesus for these truths!

Chat soon Beloveds!

The Most Intimate Way Of Walking With God | Joseph Prince

The Most Intimate Way Of Walking With God | Joseph Prince

This excerpt is from: Benefits Of Praying In Tongues (05 Dec 2021) Get the full message: Joseph Prince app - - Enjoy the benefits of healing, fruitfulness, and good success that God has given you when you pray in tongues! In this powerful message by Joseph Prince, find out why this gift is especially important for the times we are living in. Learn how praying in the Spirit helps you to: • Activate God’s protection over you and your loved ones against the attacks of the enemy. • Understand new covenant truths that will cause you to possess more and more of God’s promises in your life. • Walk in God’s powerful anointing that supersedes your intellect and logic, and start seeing divine results. • Start seeing healing breakthroughs and experience the miracle-working power of God like never before. Beloved, start praying in tongues daily and begin to actively possess all the blessings God has for you! Excerpt Summary 0:00 Walking With God vs Walking Before God 1:41 Why Is Walking In The Spirit So Intimate? 4:03 How Do We Walk In The Spirit? 6:28 Pray In The Spirit Everyday This Week! 7:04 New Book By Joseph Prince—Expedition Promised Land Expedition Promised Land is now available for preorder. Find out more about the book and preview 2 featured locations here: Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Download the Joseph Prince app at: Find us at: #josephprince #2021sermon #josephprincelatest

Friday, December 3, 2021

Day 5: Don’t give on God because He NEVER gave up on you #YouVersion Bible app

Hi my dear friends in Jesus.

I just wanna share with you all one of the devotionals that I am so into.

Aside from listening and watching Joseph Prince sermons, I also read other powerful

devotionals here and there. And this one I highly recommend that you try it too.

I love this app YouVersion Bible app because it has lot of things that I can do with it. 

I can also choose to read or listen with an audio when reading scriptures.

It also has its own collection of Powerful Reading Plans that ranges from 5day, 7 day, 30 day challenge.

I can choose/ highlight a bible verse and instantaneously create a graphic from it.

and what makes it more fun to use are the Badges.

You can add your facebook friends and read plans together.

It has also some videos in it to watch. It's really what I call the "Facebook" of Christians.

It's really cool you so if you haven't installed YouVersion app yet. 

I highly recommend you install it now and start exploring and get on with a Reading Plan.

For now, just watch the screenrecording I made for YouVersion app for your reference.

Thank you guys and chat soon.

and uh...if you have some cool devotional apps that can suggest to me, 

please feel free to comment below and I will definitely check on it.

Stay safe guys. Pray #psalm91 always for your protection yah?

God bless! Jesus is with you all!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Give Me This Mountain! (Full Sermon) | Special Screening | Joseph Prince

Give Me This Mountain! (Full Sermon) | Special Screening | Joseph Prince

Let us all stay steadfast in our faith with Jesus dear friends.

Times have become so stressful and dark..Listening to God's promises is our only hope and rest and 


If you feel burdened, heavy and fearful with all the things that are happening to the world right now,

you should not struggle and be affected by it ..Instead, rest... put on your earpods and pump up the 

volume  to hear Jesus preached. You are God's beloved and His promises are true.

When He promised that He will take care of you...HE WILL.

Just like He has been taking good care of me well. Praise the Lord!


There are reasons why social media exist. These days, we should use it to feed our soul

and be bold and receiving God's promises.

All of these here on earth are temporary. Let us all look forward to that day when we come

face to face with Jesus in Heaven.

Keep feeding your faith.

Let us watch this sermon by Ps Joseph Prince. 

Be blessed!

Dear friends, be blessed by this special screening of the sermon, Give Me This Mountain. The idea for Joseph’s new book, Give Me This Mountain—Faith To Go From Barely Surviving To Actually Thriving, came about when he preached this very sermon 2 years ago. In this message, he expounded on the life of a man of faith in the Bible called Caleb—how he conquered and claim a mountain filled with enemy giants when he was 85 years old. Caleb’s story is one of resilience, hope, and faith to own his portion, and it can be your story too. As you watch this sermon, you will discover secrets to overcoming every mountain that’s confronting you today, and learn how to actively own God’s promises in your life by faith—even and especially if they seem slow in coming. We really believe this message will help you thrive in these times we’re living in, where we’re inundated with bad news and faced with numerous adversities all around us and in our personal lives. Give Me This Mountain is now available in audiobook (read by Michael Davis) and eBook on Amazon! Get it on Amazon: Read the first 2 days: Blessings, Team JP Chapters: 0:00 Introduction: Give Me This Mountain 11:50 Pastor Prince Leads The Congregation In A Time Of Ministering 17:01 Why Healing Is Yours Today! 26:39 As A Child Of God, You Have An Inheritance 34:03 God Wants You To Have A Spirit Of Sonship 40:42 There Is Much More Inheritance For You To Possess! 58:07 Caleb's Secret To Staying Young And Strong 1:00:51 A List Of Our Inheritance In Christ 1:08:34 Caleb's Secret To Staying Young And Strong (Part 2) 1:21:55 Practical Keys To Possess Your Inheritance 1:26:33 Learn The Apostle John's Secret To Following Jesus 1:30:23 Closing Prayer #josephprince #GMTM28 #GiveMeThisMountainBook

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Andrew Ripp - Rejoice (Official Lyric Video)

Let me share this beautiful worship song to you my friend as it has blessed me so much.

It really speaks of what's in my heart. This is my prayer to Jesus and I wanna let Him hear it.

In our relationship with Jesus, I learnt we need to be vocal about it,

Declaring it. and claiming it until it manifests in our lives. Amen??

So here goes...

Whenever I am tired, bored, frustrated and just wanna let it all out,

I learnt a good and healthy habit of going to Spotify or youtube to listen to

beautiful songs of praise and worship.

Just that and all my weariness suddenly slowly fades away.

Listening to worship, praising Jesus that speaks of love, rest and yes...just full of rest

refreshes my Soul and then I am back to my feet again. (no it's my hands 'cuz I am doing video editing. )

Some people will take a smoke , coffee break (I do) , but me I usually take a worship break.

I recommend you should also do it. The peace that you will feel withing just hearing Jesus speaks to you

through all these beautiful worship songs is amazing and cannot be taken away.

Listen to worship songs that are Jesus and grace filled ones. 

Because at the end of the day, you just want to take it easy and be at peace.

Let Jesus lead you to worship too. Ask the Holy Spirit on leadings.

These days, you need not only the physical rest that the world offers but emotional

and spiritual as well. And Jesus has all that.

Just come to Him and say, "Jesus, please hug me right now.. I only want to rest."

Beautiful, right?

For now, enjoy this beautiful worship song that I just happened to listen to on Spotify.

I really stopped in the middle of my deadline just to share this with you.

I believe you will be so blessed.

Stay safe my friend and talk soon.


Monday, October 4, 2021

Are You Tired Of Not Seeing Results? | Joseph Prince

I got so blessed by this Jesus' preaching of Joseph Prince last Sunday.

Lately, I find myself so overwhelmed with office workload that I just wanna give up.

I always get worry as to whether am I going to do it, finish it or survive it.

Now I realized, stress and worry really can suck the life out of you.

I felt so heavy everytime I am on my way to work thinking of the future or what's gonna be ahead.

Worry worry worry..I admit I hae become. unproductive because of that attitude.

I was only creating my own struggles when in fact, I am so blessed to have work and be able to pay my 

rent here in Singapore.

I forgot the blessings of health and protection from covid viruses.

I forgot that Jesus is with me all the way ALL BECAUSE OF WORRY!

But thank God, Jesus has His own way of poking His beloved children.

Jesus doesn't want us to worry. He said it a lot of times in the Bible.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:36

This was one of the verses the our Pastor Joseph Prince preached in our congregation.

I say, man!! I needed to hear this.

Surely Jesus loves to remind His children this way.

I got so blessed that now, I work myself happy and have stopped thinking about what 

tomorrow will bring because I believe it has already been well taken care of by Jesus!

Let me share one of my fave bible verses too, Jeremiah 29:11 God promises that with Him

we will have an amazing future.

So guys! Keep feeding your faith with soul-food like this.

Hear only how Jesus wants to take care of your future.

Do not worry. ALL IS WELL!

Jesus loves you so.

As believers, we gotta believe how we are so loved by Jesus.

How He suffered for us at the cross so you and I can live victoriously!

I know guys, for some this will take a lot of time to grasp.

But as you continue your walk with Jesus.. do not worry. He will always lead you to the truth.

To Jesus' amazing truths!

If you don't have a church yet , you can check our Pastor's youtube / social media accounts

first and get to know Jesus in there. just search Joseph Prince.

Above is one of the videos on his youtube channel too. When you go and check it out,

you will be blessed.

So guys in these days, we need to keep feeding our spirit with good stuff.

I say, only JESUS is the good stuff.

I just got home from work and I needed to blog this out as I'm having my dinner.

cuz I don't want this moment to slip by without sharing this to you.

Feeding youself with Jesus words and truths is the solution to all your worries and stress.

Jesus is the BEST MEDICINE!

God bless you guys. and stay safe in the arms of Jesus.

Say #psalm91 always.

Chat soon!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

4 Things You Can Do When Going Through A Difficult Trial | Joseph Prince

4 Things You Can Do When Going Through A Difficult Trial | Joseph Prince

One of the many reasons why I survived this crazy, maddening, complicated broken world.

This is where I get my strenght and peace in my heart. I choose to keep feeding my mind and soul with 

Jesus' truths. We always have the choice. We just need to use it in a right and beneficial way.

Listening and watching to Joseph Prince Jesus-filled preachings is one the blessings

that I have been so happy and contented with. In the midst of trials and challenges, it gives me victory.

That's how Jesus wants us to be anyway, right guys?

You see, what you feed in your mind really makes a lot of difference in your faith

and daily walk in your Christian journey. You will learn that all we need here on earth

are not lots of money, big houses, huge bank accounts or beautiful fast cars but PEACE.

Just listening to Jesus' filled preachings restores my strength and peace.

Jesus' peace reaaly is amazing! You cannot explain it but you just feel and experience it

especially when you really need it most.

That's why I am sharing this with you guys.

Yes, we can choose to feed ourselves with the latest information on technology, gadgets, food, restaurants

and social media, I say you don't let it dominate your system. STOP! and REST and take care of your soul.

Let Jesus take good care of your soul. He loves you so.

I have been with so many struggles, challenges in this life guys.

and I'm gonna tell you that nothing and no one can really help you,

not even your bestfriends or family, IT's ONLY JESUS!

So you are experiencing the same way, just talk it out to Jesus and He will lead you.

Just rest and find out more on how much He loves you.

That is the best medicine of all.

Watch this snippets of Ps Joseph Prince sermons guys and you'll know.

You will be blessed I am 100% sure of that.

Will share more soon.

Stay safe always.

Even as bad news and negative reports become the “new normal,” you can still expect your best days to be ahead of you. This excerpt is from: Expect Good In Times Of Trouble (17 May 2020) Get the full message: Joseph Prince app - - Experience robust hope and peace when you see the Lord’s heart to protect and provide for you and your family. In this encouraging message by Joseph Prince, learn how you can: • Speak good and begin to experience good in your situation. • Break free from wrong believing that holds you back from your blessed future in Christ. • Pray bold, faith-filled prayers in line with God’s will and experience divine deliverance from your troubles. • Stand on God’s unfailing promises and come out of every trial with new strength and stability. Beloved, even in these troubling times, you have every reason to look forward to good in your life! Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Find us at: #josephprince #2020sermon #expectgood #4things

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